The next 'pandemic' is antibiotic resistance, a ticking time bomb, and we are doing nothing to stop it

Having saved millions of lives, antibiotics are one of the miracles of modern medicine. Sadly they are under threat as resistance in bacteria is spreading expeditiously around the planet. Some experts call it one of the biggest threats we currently face as humankind. Yet, we are doing neigh on nothing to stop it.

Research implies Tyrannosaurs lived in social groups

Research implies Tyrannosaurs lived in social groups

The Tyrannosaurus-Rex is probably the most well-known of all dinosaurs. Almost every child remembers the twisted mix of emotions the first time they saw one on screen. The combination of fear and fascination that the T-Rex invoked, as they mindlessly rampaged and ate any creature they came across, seared this particular "terrible lizard" into our memories, and often, nightmares. However, a new study on a recent fossil discovery suggests this lonesome apex hunter of the cretaceous period was not the solitary predator we believed.